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Plastic is every­where. It perme­ates the present age—it is inex­pen­sive, avail­able virtu­ally world­wide, and omnipresent in our daily lives. Because of the vast design possi­bil­i­ties, plas­tics soon found their way into art and quickly became one of the prin­cipal mate­rials. In the 1950s, synthetic substances were both a symptom and a symbol of mass culture—the “Plastic Age” was born. In the brief history of this mate­rial culture, which continues to domi­nate to this day, the successful and versa­tile substance devel­oped from being the epitome of progress, moder­nity, utopian spirit, and democ­ra­ti­za­tion of consumerism into a threat to the envi­ron­ment.

The SCHIRN is dedi­cating a major thematic exhi­bi­tion to the fasci­nating history of plas­tics in fine art. PLASTIC WORLD presents objects, assem­blages, instal­la­tions, films, and docu­men­ta­tions and opens up a broad panorama of the artistic use and eval­u­a­tion of plastic which reflects the soci­etal context concerned. The spec­trum extends from the euphoria of pop culture in the 1960s to the futur­istic influ­ence of the space age, and from the trash works of Nouveau Réalisme to the ecocrit­ical posi­tions of recent times; it includes archi­tec­tural utopias and envi­ron­ments as well as exper­i­ments with mate­rial prop­er­ties.

On view are over 100 works from some 50 inter­na­tional artists, including Monira Al Qadiri, Archi­gram, Arman, César, Christo, Haus-Rucker-Co, Eva Hesse, Hans Hollein, Craig Kauffman, Kiki Kogelnik, Gino Marotta, James Rosen­quist, Pascale Marthine Tayou, and Pınar Yoldaş.

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