Cirrus is pleased to present Areas of Interest, an exhibition of new drawings by Susan Logoreci. Referencing our experience of the urban American city – and our inability to fully feel its macrocosm – she uses the aerial view as a unifying approach to the vastness of her subject matter while bringing into it the tiniest of details: office windows, patterns that cars make in a parking lot, air conditioning units on roofs and the smallest of houses decreasing into oblivion. These macro and micro views clash together in a way that both fascinates and deters the viewer.
Her newest body of works combines images of urban New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco to create a semi-fictitious environment, highlighting the differences, competitions, and rivalries of these cities while addressing their homogenization and uniformities.
Susan’s interest in this work lies in the paradoxes of the spaces we create (virtue and vice, doubt and wonder), as well as discovering a new vision in the rich tradition of California landscape art.
Susan Logoreci is a graduate of the San Francisco Art Institute and has an MFA from California State University Long Beach. She lives in Los Angeles.