Siebran Versteeg
ANChORESs, 2015
algorithmically generated image printed on canvas
60" x 90"

Despina Stokou
Recently Used #8892, 2015
Charcoal and collage on linen
72" x 48"

Barbara T Smith
Field Piece, 1971
Early tele-type computer print-out programmed with IBM punch chards to creare an image used as mailer for her show at the orginal Cirrus Gallery
15" x 11"
Cirrus Archive proof, NFS

Treachery of Images (Michael Ray-Von, Carlos Solares, and Patrick Best), 2015
Text-based adventure game cataloguing exhibtion
The game can be played at treacheryofimag.es

Dennis Oppenheim
Ghost Trip, 1976
3 parts: offset printed photos, folded topographical map
30" x 111.5"

Eddo Stern
Vietnam Romance, 2015
video game presenting a fictionalized history of the Vietnam War in a culturally commodified mash-up told in 9 sequences
Courtesy of the artist, NFS

Lee Mullican
Untitled (from Shatter Special), 1985
digital print produced on an early personal computer
IBM 5170 PC AT in a lab at UCLA from 1982-1988
22.375" x 24"
Exhibition proof, courtesy of the Lee Mullican estate

Eva Sonneman
Discus Thrower, 1998
Polaroid Sonnegram
20" x 24" , Edition of 3

Tyler Mattew Oyer
Marque #68, 2015
Acrylic on canvas
46" x 26"

Susanne Lacy
Anatomy Lesson no1: Chickens Coming Home to Roost (For Rose Mountain and Pauline), 1975-1976
postcards from video performace
4 parts: 5" x 7" each

Kutlug Ataman
Animated Words - Nothing, 1998
Polaroid, Sonnegram
20" x 24", Edition of 3

Ed Ruscha
Waves of Advancing Technology, 1983
Watercolor on paper
23" x 29"

Seth Price
Dispersion, 2002
Changing 20 page essay from his web page, distrubedhistory and orginally concieved in NYC for the exhibtion Free (curated by Bettina Fincke)
8.5" x 11"

Barbara Kruger
You're Right, 2010
9" x 24", Edition of 200

Ida Applebrog
But I Wasn't There: A Performance, 1979
3 book examples
("I Mean It", "You'll See", and "Say Something")
7.75" x 6.25" each
Cirrus Archive copy, NFS

Guy de Point
A Lady and Two Popes, 1978
Ink on paper
25.5" x 40.125"

Paul Chan
Sade For Fonts Sake, 2009
DVD containing a set of 21 computer fonts and a collection of digital artworks
Available for purchase through Amazon.com, $70

Kim Jones
Mud Man: Performance Stills, 1981
mimeograph on paper
4 parts: 8.5" x 11" each
Cirrus Archive Copy, NFS

John Baldessari
Teaching a Plant the Alphabet, 1972
Digital video from B&W 8mm film of the same, complete with sound
Runtime - 18:40
Exhibition only, archive copy courtesy of EAI

Bruce Nauman
Raw War, 1971
22.5" x 28.5", Edition of 100
Cirrus Archive proof, NFS

Ed Kienholz
For A Mitre Saw (From a series of works by the artist used as "trade"), 1969
Inkstamp and watercolor on woven paper
12" x 16"

Chris Burden
Untitled, 1974
Lithograph with hand-coloring
20" x 16"
Cirrus Archive Proof, NFS

Eleanor Antin
100 Boots, 1971-1973
Halftone reproductions on 51 cards
7 examples: 4.5" x 7" each
Cirrus Archive copy, NFS

Miranda July
Somebody, 2014
Digital video made in conjuction with the app
Runtime - 10:15
Courtesy of the artist and Miu Miu

David Hockney
Views of the Sea, 1989
India ink, crayon, gouache, and uni-paint marker on paper
8 1/2" x 11"
copyright David Hockney
Photo Credit: Richard Schmidt

David Hockney
Geometric Waves, 1989
India ink, crayon, gouche, and uni-paint marker on paper
8 1/2" x 11"
copyright: David Hockney
Photo credit: Richard Schmitt

Brice Bischoff
Night Drive, 2014
Projection on unique C-print mounted on sintra, neon burns, archival inkjet, aluminum, and UV lamination
5.5" x 13" x 52"