Mary Weatherford
Union Ave, 2013
22" x 27 1/4"
678c-MW13, USP

Charles Christopher Hill
Cuando Vayas a Cager, 1974
24" x 29 1/2"
079cs-CH74, XLV
$2,500 (NFS)

Peter Alexander
Santa Cruz Cirrus, 1983
30" x 26"
349c-PA83, TP IV

Jonas Wood
Untitled, 2010
Lithographic monoprint
44" x 35"
662c-JW10, VII

Charles Christopher Hill
Cuando Vayas a Cager, 1974
24" x 29 1/2"
079cs-CH74, XLV
$2,500 (NFS)

Peter Alexander
Santa Cruz Cirrus, 1983
30" x 26"
349c-PA83, TP V

Jonas Wood
Untitled, 2010
Lithographic monoprint
44" x 35"
662c-JW10, XII

Jason Meadows
Hybrids, 2004
Lithograph & silkscreen monoprint
30" x 22"
637c-JME04, CXXIII

Dennis Hollingsworth
The Dog, 2012
Lithographic monoprint, silkscreen
inkjet collage
48" x 35 1/2"
670c-DH12, XIV

Mark Bradford
Untitled (Monoprints), 2004
Lithography and silkscreen
32 5/8" x 32 5/8"
636c-MB04, XXXV

Mary Weatherford
Union Ave, 2013
22" x 27 1/4"
678c-MW13, TP VII

Kori Newkirk
Untitled 3, 2009
Lithograph, mylar, tape, photos
Unique work
34 3/4" x 25"

Jason Meadows
Hybrids, 2004
Lithograph & silkscreen monoprint
30" x 22"
637c-JME04, CXXXI

Dennis Hollingsworth
The Dog, 2012
Lithographic monoprint, silkscreen
inkjet collage
48" x 35 1/2"
670c-DH12, XXIII

Mark Bradford
Untitled (Monoprints), 2004
Lithography and silkscreen
32 5/8" x 32 5/8"
636c-MB04, XXXVIII

Ed Ruscha
IF, 2000
Series of 75
22" x 36"
589c-ER00, B.A.T

Ed Ruscha
IF, 2000
Series of 75
22" x 36"
589c-ER00, AP VII

Karl Newkirk
Untitled, 2009
Lithograph, mylar, tape, photos
Unique work
25" x 34 3/4"

David Lloyd
Untitled, 1996
29 1/2" x 22 1/2"
584c-DL96, XX

Ruben Ochoa
Untitled, 2006
Lithograph with hand painting
20 1/2" x 29 1/4"
644c-RO06, XXXVI

Mark Lere
Untitled, 1991-96
Lithography, monoprint
42 1/4" x 28 1/4"
554c-ML91-96, XXV

Jerry Brane
No Title, 1993
38 1/2" x 24 1/2"
513c-JB93, III

Lita Albuquerque
100 Breaths, 1989
Lithographic monoprint
51" x 19"
434c-LA89, CVIII

David Lloyd
Untitled, 1996
28 1/2" x 21 1/2"
584c-DL96, XII

Laddie John Dill
Untitled, 1986-88
Lithograph / woodcut monoprint
46" x 38"

Mark Lere
Untitled, 1991-96
Lithography, monoprint
42 1/4" x 28 1/4"
554c-ML91-96, XI

Jill Giegrich
Untitled, 1992
13" x 15 1/2"
512-JG92, VII

Karl Newkirk
Rank P.V.P. 1, 2008
Edition f 45
25" x 34 3/4"
653c-KN08, AP #11

Jill Giegrich
Untitled, 1992
13" x 15 1/2"
512-JG92, VIII

Laddie John Dill
Untitled, 1986-88
46" x 38"

Joe Goode
Untitled, 1978
28" x 40"
237c-JG78, AP III

Lita Albuquerque
100 Breaths, 1989
Lithographic monoprint
51" x 19"
434c-LA89, LVIII

Joe Goode
Untitled, 1978
28" x 40"
238c-JG78, AP III